
AT command

The PC Card modem will respond to the commands detailed below. Parameters applicable to each command are listed with the command description. The defaults shown for each configuration command are those used in the factory profile 0.

A/ Re-execute command. The PC Card modem behaves as though the last command line had been re-sent by the DTE. 'A/' will repeat all the commands in the command buffer. The principle application of this command is to place another call. Note: This command should not be terminated by a carriage return.

AT A Answer. The modem will go off-hook and attempt to answer an incoming call.

Selects CCITT operation at 300 or 1200bps during Call Establishment and a subsequent connection (default). Any other line speed will use a CCITT modulation standard.

Selects BELL operation at 300 or 1200bps during Call Establishment and a subsequent connection. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S27 bit 6. (Also, see +MS command.).

Carrier control. This command is ignored. Returns OK.

Dial. This command directs the modem to go off-hook, dial according to the string entered and attempt to establish a connection. If no dial string is supplied, the modem will go off-hook and attempt the handshake in originate mode. Possible parameters are:

0-9 Tone and pulse dial digits 0 to 9.

The 'star' digit (tone dialling only)

The 'gate' digit (tone dialling only).

DTMF digits A, B, C and D

Perform MNP 10 link negotiation at 1200bps (for this call only). (See *H.)

Enable power level adjustment during MNP 10 link negotiation (for this call only).

Re-dial last number: the modem will re-dial the last valid telephone number. The L must be immediately after the D with all the following characters ignored.

Select pulse dialling: pulse dial the numbers that follow until a 'T' is encountered. Affects current and subsequent dialling.

Select tone dialling: tone dial the numbers that follow until a 'P' is encountered. Affects current and subsequent dialling.

This command will be accepted, but not acted on.

Dial the number stored in the directory (n = 0 to 3).(See &Z.)

Flash: the modem will go on-hook for a time defined by the value of S29. Country requirements may limit the time imposed.

Wait for dial tone: the modem will wait for dial tone before dialling the digits following 'W'. If no dial tone is detected within the time specified by S6, the modem will abort the rest of the sequence, return on-hook, and generate an error message. The modem will handshake.

Wait for silence: the modem will wait for at least 5 seconds of silence in the call progress frequency band before continuing with the next dial string parameter. If the modem does not detect these 5 seconds of silence before the expiration of the call abort timer (S7), the modem will terminate the call attempt with a NO ANSWER message.

Dial pause: the modem will pause for a time specified by S8 before dialling the digits following .

Return to command state. Added to the end of a dial string, this causes the modem to return to the command state after it processes the portion of the dial string preceding the ";". This allows the user to issue additional AT commands while remaining off-hook.

Disable calling tone: applicable to current dial attempt only.

( )
- <space> Ignored: may be used to format the dial string.

Invalid character: will be ignored.

Ignored: not implemented.

Disables command echo of characters to computer.

AT E1 Enables command echo (default). The parameter value, if valid, is written to S14 bit 1.

Disconnect (Hang-Up).This command initiates a Hang-Up sequence.

If on-hook, the modem will go off-hook and enter command mode. The modem will return on-hook after a period of time determined by S7.

Reports product code.

Reports pre-computed checksum from ROM.

Computes checksum and compares it with value stored in ROM. Reports result as OK or ERROR.

Reports firmware revision.

Reports additional product identification.

Reports Country Code parameter.

Reports additional product identification.

Speaker off.

AT L1 Low volume.

Medium volume (default).

High volume. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S22 bits 0 and 1.

Speaker is always off.

Speaker is on during call establishment, but off when receiving carrier (default).

Speaker is always on.

Speaker is off when receiving carrier and during dialling, but on during answering. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S22 bits 2 and 3.

Automode detection is disabled. A subsequent handshake will be conducted according to the contents of S37 or, if S37 is zero, according to the most recently sensed DTE speed.

Automode detection is enabled. A subsequent handshake will be conducted according to the Automode algorithm supported by the modem. This command is equivalent to +MS<Automode> (default). The parameter value, if valid, is written to S31 bit 1.

Enters On Line data mode without a retrain. Handling is determined by the Call Establishment task. Generally, if a connection exists, this command connects the DTE back to the remote modem after an escape (+++).

Enters On Line data mode with a retrain before returning to On Line data mode.

Set pulse dial default. Sets S14 bit 5.

AT Q Quiet results codes control.

Enables result codes to the DTE (default).

Disables result codes to the DTE.

Disables result codes in answer mode. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S14.

Establishes S-register n as the default register.

AT Sn=v
Write the value V to S-register number n. This command writes the value v to the currently selected S-register. All of the S-registers will return the OK response if v is a number. Ex. AT S0=1 Enables Autoanswer from S0 after 1 incoming ring.

AT Sn?
Reports the value of S-register n. If the number "n" is beyond the range of the S-registers available, the modem will return the ERROR message. Input and output are always in decimal format. In some cases, writing to the S register will appear to be accepted but the value will not actually be written.
Note: Due to country restrictions, some commands will be accepted, but the value may be limited and replaced by a maximum or minimum value.

Set tone dial default. This command forces DTMF dialling until the next P dial modifier or P command is received. The DP command will override this command. Clears S14 bit 5. This command may not be permitted in some countries (see P).

Enables short-form (terse) result codes. Line feed is not issued before a short-form result code.

AT V1 Enables long-form (verbose) result codes (default). The parameter, if valid, is written to S14 bit 3.

Upon connection, the modem reports only the DTE speed (e.g. CONNECT 57600). Subsequent responses are disabled.

Upon connection, the modem reports the line speed, the error correction protocol, and the DTE speed, respectively. Subsequent responses are disabled (default).

Upon connection, the modem reports the DCE speed (e.g. CONNECT 14400). Subsequent responses are disabled. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S31 bits 2 and 3 .

Extended result codes. This command selects which subset of the result messages will be used by the modem to inform the DTE of the results of commands. Blind dialling is enabled or disabled by country parameters. If the user wishes to enforce dial tone detection, a "W" can be placed in the dial string (see D command).Table 3-1 indicates the messages which are enabled for each X value. If the modem is in facsimile mode (+FCLASS=1), the only message sent to indicate a connection is CONNECT without a speed indication.

Disables monitoring of busy tones unless forced otherwise by country requirements; send only OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, ERROR, and NO ANSWER result codes. Blind dialling enabled/disabled by country parameters. If busy tone detection is enforced and busy tone is detected, NO CARRIER will be reported. If dial tone detection is enforced or selected and dial tone is not detected, NO CARRIER will be reported instead of NO DIAL TONE. The value 000b is written to S22 bits 6, 5, and 4, respectively.

Disables monitoring of busy tones unless forced otherwise by country requirements; send only OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, ERROR, NO ANSWER, and CONNECT XXXX (XXXX = rate). Blind dialling enabled/disabled by country parameters. If busy tone detection is enforced and busy tone is detected, NO CARRIER will be reported instead of BUSY. If dial tone detection is enforced or selected and dial one is not detected, NO CARRIER will be reported instead of NO DIAL TONE. The value 100b is written to S22 bits 6, 5, and 4, respectively.

Disables monitoring of busy tones unless forced otherwise by country requirements; send only OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, ERROR, NO DIALTONE, NO ANSWER, and CONNECT XXXX. If busy tone detection is enforced and busy tone is detected, NO CARRIER will be reported instead of BUSY. If dial tone detection is enforced or selected and dial tone is not detected, NO CARRIER will be reported instead of NO DIAL TONE. The value 101b is written to S22 bits 6, 5, and 4, respectively.

Enables monitoring of busy tones; send only OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, ERROR, NO DIALTONE, NO ANSWER, and CONNECT XXXX. Blind dialling enabled/disabled by country parameters. If dial tone detection is enforced and dial tone is not detected, NO CARRIER will be reported. The value 110b is written to S22 bits 6, 5, and 4, respectively.

Enables monitoring of busy tones; send all messages. The value 111b is written to S22 bits 6, 5, and 4, respectively (default).
Note: It is not allowed to use the commands ATX0, ATX1 and ATX2 and the comma dial modifier in Sweden. Some commands may not be available or may be restricted due to national PTT restrictions.

Disables long space disconnect (default).

Enables long space disconnect. In non-error correction mode, the modem will send a long space of four seconds prior to going on-hook. In error correction mode, the modem will respond to the receipt of a long space (i.e. a break signal greater than 1.6 seconds) by going on-hook. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S21 bit 7.

Soft reset and restore stored profile 0.

Soft reset and restore stored profile 1.

Select maximum MNP block size. The modem will operate a MNP error corrected link using a maximum block size controlled by the parameter supplied. For MNP10 the parameter indicates at which packet size the modem shall fall forward to a higher speed. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S40 bits 6 and 7.

AT \A0 64 characters.

AT \A1
128 characters.

AT \A2
192 characters.

AT \A3
256 characters (default).

Transmit break to remote. In non-error correction mode, the modem will transmit a break signal to the remote modem with a length in multiples of 100 ms according to parameter specified. If a number in excess of 9 is entered, 9 is used. The command works in conjunction with the \K command. In error correction mode, the modem will signal a break through the active error correction protocol, giving no indication of the length.

AT \B1 - AT \B9. Break length in 100 ms units. (default = 3) (Non-error corrected mode only).

Modem-to-modem flow control (XON/XOFF). In non-error correction mode, the modem enables or disables the generation or recognition of modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control according to the parameter supplied. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bit 3. In error correction mode, the setting of modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control is ignored. However, the serial port flow control settings (AT&K) remain active during a reliable link. Due to the buffering system used in the modem, modem-to-modem flow control is normally disabled.

AT \G0
Disables modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control (default).

AT \G1
Enables modem-to-modem XON/XOFF flow control.

Enables DTE autorate adjustment. Controls whether the modem will adjust the DTE speed to match the line speed, when the connections is complete. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bit 5.

AT \J0
Disable adjustment of DTE speed to match line speed.

AT \J1
Enable adjustment of DTE speed to match line speed.

Break control. Controls the response of the modem to a break received from the DTE or the remote modem or the \B command according to the parameter supplied. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S40 bits 3, 4, and 5. The response is different in three separate states. The first case is where the modem receives a break from the DTE when the modem is operating in data transfer mode: The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bit 5.

AT \K0
Enter On Line command mode, no break sent to the remote modem.

AT \K1
Clear data buffers and send break to remote modem.

AT \K2
Same as 0.

AT \K3
Send break to remote modem immediately.

AT \K4
Same as 0.

AT \K5
Send break to remote modem in sequence with transmitted data (default). The second case is where the modem is in the On Line command state (waiting for AT commands) during a data connection, and the \B is received in order to send a break to the remote modem:

AT \K0
Clear data buffers and send break to remote modem.

AT \K1
Clear data buffers and send break to remote modem (same as 0).

AT \K2
Send break to remote modem immediately.

AT \K3
Send break to remote modem immediately (same as 2).

AT \K4
Send break to remote modem in sequence with data.

AT \K5
Send break to remote modem in sequence with data (same as 4) (default). The third case is where a break is received from a remote modem during a non-error corrected connection:

AT \K0
Clears data buffers and sends break to the DTE.

AT \K1
Clears data buffers and sends break to the DTE (same as 0).

AT \K2
Send a break immediately to DTE.

AT \K3
Send a break immediately to DTE (same as 2).

AT \K4
Send a break in sequence with received data to DTE.

AT \K5
Send a break in sequence with received data to DTE (same as 4) (default). Note: That when S82 is modified, the modem converts the Hayes specific value to the \K format and updates S40 to match. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bit 4.

MNP block/stream mode select. At connection time, this command controls the selection between block and stream modes of operation in MNP. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bit 4.

AT \L0
Use stream mode for MNP connection (default).

AT \L1
Use interactive block mode for MNP connection. This command will accept block mode but implement stream mode.

Operating mode. This command controls the preferred error correcting mode to be negotiated in a subsequent data connection.

AT \N0
Selects normal speed buffered mode (disables error-correction mode) (Forces &Q6).

AT \N1
Selects direct mode and is equivalent to &M0, &Q0 mode of operation (Forces &Q0).

AT \N2
Selects reliable (error-correction) mode. The modem will first attempt a LAPM connection and then an MNP connection. Failure to make a reliable connection results in the modem hanging up (Forces &Q5, S36=4, and S48=7).

AT \N3
Selects auto reliable mode. This operates the same as \N2 except failure to make a reliable connection results in the modem falling back to the speed buffered normal mode (Forces &Q5, S36=7, and S48=7).

AT \N4
Selects LAPM error-correction mode. Failure to make an LAPM error correction connection results in the modem hanging up (Forces &Q5 and S48=0). Note: The -K1 command can override the \N4 command.

AT \N5
Selects MNP error-correction mode. Failure to make an MNP error correction connection results in the modem hanging up (Forces &Q5, S36=4, and S48=128).

Connect messages controlled by the command settings X, W, S95.

AT \V1
Connect messages will be in single line format. CONNECT <DTE speed > <modulation> <protocol> <compression> <Line Speed>.

AT &C0
DCD remains ON at all times.

AT &C1
DCD follows the state of the carrier (default). The parameter value, if valid, is written to S21 bits 3 and 4.

AT &D0
DTR_ drop is interpreted according to the current &Q setting as follows: &Q0, &Q5, &Q6 DTR is ignored (assumed ON). Allows operation with DTEs which do not provide DTR. &Q1, &Q4 DTR drop causes the modem to hang up. Auto-answer is not affected. &Q2, &Q3 DTR drop causes the modem to hang up. Auto-answer is inhibited.

AT &D1
DTR drop is interpreted according to the current &Q setting as follows: &Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6. DTR drop is interpreted by the modem as if the asynchronous escape sequence had been entered. The modem returns to asynchronous command state without disconnecting. &Q2, &Q3 DTR drop causes the modem to hang up. Auto-answer is inhibited.

AT &D2
DTR drop is interpreted according to the current &Q setting as follows: &Q0 through &Q6 DTR drop causes the modem to hang up. Auto-answer is inhibited (default).

AT &D3
DTR drop is interpreted according to the current &Q setting as follows: &Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6. DTR drop causes the modem to perform a soft reset as if the Z command were received. The &Y setting determines which profile is loaded. &Q2, &Q3 DTR drop causes the modem to hang up. Auto-answer is inhibited. If &Q5, &Q6, +FCLASS=1 is in effect, the action taken is the same as for &Q0.

Restore factory configuration (profile). The modem loads the factory default configuration profile according to the parameter supplied. The factory defaults for profile 0 (&F0) are quoted for each command and in the S register descriptions. Two profiles are available. A configuration profile consists of a subset of S-registers.

AT &F0
Recall factory profile 0 (default).

AT &F1
Recall factory profile 1.

Select guard tone. The modem generates the guard tone selected by this command according to the parameter supplied (DPSK modulation modes only). The parameter value, if valid, is written to S23 bits 6 and 7.

AT &G0
Disables guard tone.

AT &G1
Enables guard tone.

AT &G2
Selects 1800 Hz guard tone V.22/V.22bis (default). Note: This command may not be permitted in some countries.

Telephone jack control. This command is only included for compatibility and performs no function except to load the S-register. The parameter value, if valid, is written S21 bit 1. (J0 is default).

Flow control. This command defines the DTE/DCE (terminal/modem) flow control mechanism. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S39 bits 0, 1, and 2.

AT &K0
Disables flow control.

AT &K3
Enables RTS/CTS flow control (default for data modem modes).

AT &K4
Enables XON/XOFF flow control.

AT &K5
Supports transparent XON/XOFF flow control.

AT &K6
Enables both RTS/CTS and XON/XOFF flow control. (default for fax modem voice modes).

AT &M0
Selects direct asynchronous operation.
Note: That the command sequence &M0\N0 selects normal buffered mode, but the command sequence \N0&M0 selects direct mode. This is because the \N0 command is analogous to the &Q6 command. The value 000b is written to S27 bits 3, 1, and 0, respectively (see &Q).

Select pulse dial make/break ratio. This command determines the make/break ratio used during pulse dialling. This command may not be permitted in some countries. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S28 bits 3 and 4.

AT &P0
Selects 39%-61% make/break ratio at 10 pulses per second.

AT &P1
Selects 33%-67% make/break ratio at 10 pulses per second.

AT &P2
Selects 39%-61% make/break ratio at 20 pulses per second.

AT &P3
Selects 33%-67% make/break ratio at 20 pulses per second.

This command is an extension of the &M command and is used to control the connection modes permitted. It is used in conjunction with S36 and S48. (Also, see \N.)

AT &Q0
Selects direct asynchronous operation. See &M0.

AT &Q5
The modem will try to negotiate an error-corrected link. The modem can be configured using S36 to determine whether a failure will result in the modem returning on-hook or will result in fallback to an asynchronous connection. The value 101b is written to S27 bits 3, 1, and 0, respectively (default).

AT &Q6
Selects asynchronous operation in normal mode (speed buffering). The value 110b is written to S27 bits 3, 1, and 0, respectively.

AT &R0
CTS acts according to V.25 bis handshake. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S21 bit2.

AT &R1
CTS will only drop if required by flow control (default).

AT &S0
DSR will remain ON at all times.

AT &S1
DSR will become active after answer tone has been detected and inactive after the carrier has been lost (default). The parameter value, if valid, is written to S21 bit 6.

Test and diagnostics. The modem will perform selected test and diagnostic functions according to the parameter supplied. A test can be run only when in an asynchronous operation in non-error-correction mode (normal or direct mode). To terminate a test in progress, the escape sequence must be entered first, except for parameters 7 and 8. If S18 is non-zero, a test will terminate automatically after the time specified by S18 and display the OK message. Test commands may not be available in some countries due to PTT restrictions.

AT &T0
Terminates test in progress. Clears S16.

AT &T1
Initiates local analog loopback, V.54 Loop 3. Sets S16 bit 0. If a connection exists when this command is issued, the modem hangs up. The CONNECT XXXX message is displayed upon the start of the test.

AT &T2
Returns ERROR.

AT &T3
Initiates local digital loopback, V.54 Loop 2. Sets S16 bit 2. If no connection exists, ERROR is returned. Sets S16 bit 4 when the test is in progress.

AT &T4
Enables digital loopback acknowledgement for remote request, i.e., a remote digital loopback (RDL) request from a remote modem is allowed. Sets S23 bit 0 (default).

AT &T5
Disables digital loopback acknowledgement for remote request, i.e., a RDL request from a remote modem is denied. Clears S23 bit 0.

AT &T6
Requests a remote digital loopback, V.54 Loop 2, without self test.  If no connection exists, ERROR is returned. Sets S16 bit 4 when the test is in progress. The CONNECT XXXX message is displayed upon the start of the test.

AT &T7
Requests a remote digital loopback (RDL) ,V.54 Loop 2, with self test. (In self test, a test pattern is looped back and checked by the modem.) If no connection exists, ERROR is returned. When the test is terminated either via expiration of S18, or via the &T0 or H command, the number of detected errors is reported to the DTE. Sets S16 bit 5 when the test is in progress.

Initiates local analog loopback, V.54 Loop 3, with self test. (In self test, a test pattern is looped back and checked by the modem.) If a connection exists, the modem hangs up before the test is initiated. When the test is terminated either via expiration of S18, or via the &T0 or H command, the number of detected errors is reported to the DTE. Sets S16 bit 6 when the test is in progress.

Display current configuration and stored profiles. Reports the current (active) configuration, the stored (user) profiles, and the four stored telephone numbers.

AT &V1
Display status of the current or last connection. Min. - max. speed, receive level, line quality, protocol and disconnect cause.

AT &W0
Store the current configuration as profile 0.

AT &W1
Store the current configuration as profile 1.

AT &X0
Only for compatibility.

AT &X1
Only for compatibility.

AT &X2
Only for compatibility.

AT &Y0
Selects user profile 0 at power up.

AT &Y1
Selects user profile 1 at power up.

Store telephone number. The modem can store up to 4 telephone numbers. Each telephone number dial string can contain up to 45 digits. n=0 to 3 and x = dial string.

Enable/disable data compression. Enables or disables data compression negotiation. The modem can only perform data compression on an error corrected link. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bits 0 and 1.

AT %C0
Disables data compression. Resets S46 bit 1.

AT %C1
Enables MNP 5 data compression negotiation. Resets S46 bit 1.

AT %C2
Enables V.42 bis data compression. Sets S46 bit 1.

AT %C3
Enables both V.42 bis and MNP 5 data compression. Sets S46 bit 1 (default).

Enable/disable line quality monitor and auto-retrain or fallback/fall forward. Controls whether or not the modem will automatically monitor the line quality and request a retrain (%E1) or fall back when line quality is insufficient or fall forward when line quality is sufficient (%E2). Applies to dial-up line only. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S41 bits 2 and 6. If enabled, the modem attempts to retrain for a maximum of 30 seconds. Fallback/Fall Forward. When %E2 is active, the modem monitors the line quality (EQM). When line quality is insufficient, the modem will initiate a rate renegotiation to a lower speed within the V.34/V.FC,V.32bis/V.32 modulation speeds. The modem will keep falling back within the current modulation if necessary until the speed reaches 2400bps (V.34), 14400bps (V.FC), or 4800bps (V.32). Below this rate, the modem will only do retrains if EQM thresholds are exceeded. If the EQM is sufficient for at least one minute, the modem will initiate a rate renegotiation to a higher speed within the current modulation speeds. The rate renegotiations will be done without a retrain if a V.32bis connection is established. Speeds attempted during fallback/fall forward are those shown to be available in the rate sequences exchanged during the initial connection. Fallback/fall forward is available in error correction and normal modes, but not in direct mode or synchronous mode with external clocks.

Disable line quality monitor and auto-retrain.

Enable line quality monitor and auto-retrain.

Enable line quality monitor and fallback/fall forward. (Default.)

Line signal level. Returns a value which indicates the received signal level. The value returned is a direct indication (line interface dependent) of the receive level internally in the modem, not at the telephone line connector. For example, 009 = -9 dBm, 043 = -43 dBm, and so on.

AT %M0
Command ignored returns an "OK".

AT %M1
Command ignored returns an "OK".

Line signal quality. Reports the line signal quality (line interface). Returns the higher order byte of the EQM value. Based on the EQM value, retrain or fallback/fall forward may be initiated if enabled by %E1 or %E2.

A-law / µ-law

AT %U0
Selects µ-law

AT %U1
Selects A-law

Display blacklisted numbers. This command requests the modem to return a list of blacklisted numbers to the DTE. If no numbers are blacklisted, only the OK result code is issued.

AT *C0
Disable call back.

AT *C1
Enable call back. Call back delay is specified by S203.

Display delayed numbers. This command causes the modem to send a list of the delayed numbers together with the delay associated with each. (delay times are shown hours:minutes:seconds). If no numbers are delayed, only the OK result code is issued.

Link negotiation speed. This command controls the connection speed for link negotiations before upshift occurs between two MNP Class 10 modems. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S40 bit 2.

AT *H0
Link negotiation occurs at the highest supported speed (default).

AT *H1
Link negotiation occurs at 1200bps.

AT *H2
Link negotiation occurs at 4800bps.

AT *K0
Enable key abort (default).

AT *K1
Disable key abort. The value is written to S21 bit 1.

Display call back directory.

Store callback password. This command causes the modem to store a password and to store or delete a corresponding telephone number in NVRAM. The password will be used to match that supplied by a remote modem when secure access is used. The modem will use the telephone number to dial back the remote modem. The password must be between 6 and 12 characters in length. The telephone number length is 40 characters maximum. If the number to be dialled back (along with the final colon) is omitted, a password check will be performed, but no callback will occur. Up to 4 password/telephone number pairs may be entered.

AT *Pn:
<password>:<number to be dialled back> n: 0 to 3.

Cnn Country select. Up to eight sets of country parameters may be available. This command checks to see if the entered number matches the country code of one of the countries supported. If found, the modem stores the location of that country in NVRAM. Upon power up or a soft reset (Z command), the modem uses this location to load the parameters for the corresponding country.
Note: It is possible to change the factory set country codes in the modem manually or by means of the enclosed Trio Communication Suite software. It is, however, important to notice that such a change may result in modem operational problems. Moreover, the new country code set-up in the modem may violate the national approval. Select country parameters corresponding to entered country code (nn).

Country Codes

Country Code Country Code



Japan 43


Netherlands 10
Belgium 2 Norway 11
Denmark 3 Portugal 12
Finland 4 Spain 13
France 5 Sweden 14
Germany 6 Switzerland 15
Greece 17 United Kingdom 16
Ireland 7 United States

The command may not be permitted in some countries.

Italy 8  


AT -K MNP extended services. Enables or disables conversion of a V.42 LAPM connection to an MNP 10 connection. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S40 bit 0.

AT -K0
Disables V.42 LAPM to MNP 10 conversion (default).

AT - K1
Enables V.42 LAPM to MNP 10 conversion.

AT -Q0
Disables fallback to 2400bps (V.22bis) and 1200bps (V.22). Fallback is enabled only to 4800bps.

AT -Q1
Enables fallback to 2400bps (V.22bis) and 1200bps (V.22) (default). The parameter value, if valid, is written to S40 bit 1.

Distinctive Ringing.
n=0 Disable Distinctive Ring. Any valid ring detected is reported as RING (default).
n=1 Enables Distinctive Ring Type 1 (RING1).
n=2 Enables Distinctive Ring Type 2 (RING2).
n=3 Enables Distinctive Ring Type 1 and 2 (RING1, RING2).
n=4 Enables Distinctive Ring Type 3 (RING3).
n=5 Enables Distinctive Ring Type 1 and 3 (RING1, RING3).
n=6 Enables Distinctive Ring Type 2 and 3 (RING2, RING3).
n=7 Enables Distinctive Ring Type 1, 2, and 3 (RING1, RING2, RING3).

AT )M0
Disables power level adjustment during MNP 10 link negotiation (default).

AT )M1
Enables power level adjustment during MNP 10 link negotiation. For reliable links to accommodate the signalling requirements of cellular telephone equipment. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S40 bit 2.

AT @Mn
initial cellular power level setting n= 0-31. Sets the initial transmit power level for upshift at connect until line conditions can be determined. @M0 corresponds to -26 dBm, @M1 corresponds to -30 dBm, @ M2 through @ M10 correspond to - 10 dBm, and @ M11 through @ M31 correspond to - 11 dBm to -31 dBm, respectively. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S201 bits 0-4.

AT :E0
Disables the equalizer
AT :E1 Enable compromise equalizer. The parameter value, if valid, is written to S201 bit 5. This command can be used when the modem is attached to either a flat line or a cellular connection.

Mode selection
[<x_law >][,[rb_signal][,[Maxup_rate]]]]]].
<mod> = 0 V.21 selected (300bps).
<mod> = 1 V.22 selected (1200bps).
<mod> = 2 V.22bis selected (2400 or 1200bps).
<mod> = 3 V.23 selected (1200bps).
<mod> = 9 V.32 selected (9600 or 4800bps).
<mod> = 10 V.32bis selected (14400, 12000, 9600, 7200 or 4800bps).
<mod> = 11 V.34 selected (33600, 31200, 28800, 26400, 24000, 21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800 or 2400bps).
<mod> = 56 K56flex selected (56000, 54000, 52000, 50000, 48000, 46000, 44000, 42000, 40000, 38000, 36000, 34000, 32000). Default.
<mod> = 64 Bell 103 selected (300bps).
<mod> = 69 Bell 212 selected (1200bps).
<automode> = 0 Automode disabled.
<automode> = 1 Automode enabled without V.8 (except for V.34). Default.
<min_rate> 300..56000.
<max_rate> 300..56000.
<X_law> For A-law use 1, for (-law use 0.
<Rb_signal> To enable RBS detection, use 1.
<Maxup_rate> The max value for this field is 56000.

+MS? Return mode selected

+MS=? Return supported mode selections

-SEC=n Enable/Disable MNP10-ECM

-SMC0 Disable SVD Data Burst

-SMC1 Enable SVD Data Burst

-SMS0 Data Mode only (SVD)

-SMS2 SVD Mode

-SMS3 Automatic data only/SVD mode (default)

Fax Class I Commands

AT+FCLASS Select Service Class

<commands>? Report Active Configuration

<commands>=? Report Operating Capabilities

Data/Fax Auto-Answer

Stop Transmission and Wait

Receive Silence

Transmit Data

Voice/Audio Commands

#TL - Audio Output Transmit Level

- Query Buffer Size

- Bits Per Sample (Compression Factor)

- Beep Tone Timer

- Identify Compression Method

- Set Playback Volume in the Command State

- Voice Line Select

- Ringback Goes Away Timer (Originate)

- Ringback Never Came Timer (Originate)

- Voice Receive

- Enable Silence Deletion (Voice Receive)

- Buffer Skid Setting

- Silence Detection Period (Voice Receive)

- Sampling Rate Selection

- Silence Detection Tuner (Voice Receive)

- DTMF Tone Reporting

- Enable Timing Mark Placement

- Generate Tone Signals (On Line Voice Command)

- Voice Transmit

- Select Data, Fax or Voice Mode

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